Florida bankruptcy when is a certificate of service required



NOTE: Forms are generic suggestions. Parties and their attorneys should revise them to address their unique circumstances of each case.

For all questions, comments, or suggestions on the Procedure Manual or The Source,
please email: flmb_procedures@flmb.uscourts.gov

Table of Contents:

U.S. Courts Official Forms

FLMB Local Forms

Accompanying Orders

Adversary Closing

After Hours Filing Procedure

Agreed Orders

Amended Orders

Appeal Cover Sheet

Audio Recording Requests - How to Request Audio of a Courtroom Proceeding

Certified Copies

Competing Orders

Directions for Filing Evidentiary Exhibits - Bankruptcy and Adversary

Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing

Emergency Matters (including Certificate of Necessity)

Expense Reimbursement Guidelines

Expense Reimbursement Plan for Pro Bono Representation by Appointment

How to Become a Mortgage Modification Mediation Mediator

Interpreter Services

Mailing Matrix

Negative Notice - Adversary Proceedings

Negative Notice - Bankruptcy

Notices of Hearing - Bankruptcy and Adversary

Post Confirmation Avoidance & Claim Litigation Form

Presumptively Reasonable Attorney Fees in Chapter 13 Cases

Proof of Claim

Proposed Orders

Service Guidelines

Zoom/Telephonic Hearing Appearances-Remote Access

Adversary Dismissals

Amended Complaint

Answers - Adversary Proceedings

Case Opening and General Processing - Adversary Proceedings

Default - Adversary Proceedings

Motion for Refund of Filing Fee

Motion for Summary Judgment **UPDATED**

Motion to Allow Witness to Testify by Video

Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice - Adversary

Motion to Compel Discovery Responses-Bankruptcy and Adversary

Motion to Determine if Proceeding is Core - Adversary Proceedings

Motion to Extend Time - Bankruptcy and Adversary

Motion to File Paper Under Seal

Summons - Adversary Proceedings (Initial Summons)

Summons - Alias or Pluries

Summons - Third Party

Third Party Complaint - Adversary Proceedings

Transcripts - Bankruptcy and Adversary

2004 Examinations - Motions and Notices

3002.1 - Motions and Chart

Amendment to Schedules, Voluntary Petitions, and Chapter 13 Plans

Application for Administrative Expense Claims for Debtor Attorney Fees After Pre-Confirmation Dismissal or Conversion - Chapter 13

Application for Compensation - Chapter 7

Application for Compensation - Chapter 11

Application for Compensation - Chapter 13

Application for Payment of Administrative Expense

Application for Payment of Filing Fees in Installments

Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds

Application for Waiver of the Chapter 7 filing Fee or to Proceed in Forma Pauperis

Application to Employ or Retain

Auditors Reports

Ballot Tabulation

Case Opening - Chapter 7, 11, 12 and 13

Case Opening - Petitions Filed on Behalf of Another Person (Local Rule 1004-1.1) **UPDATED**

Chapter 11 - Subchapter V Cases

Chapter 13 Model Plan

Conversion and Reconversion

Discharge - Chapter 7

Discharge - Chapter 13

Health Care Cases - Patient Care Ombudsman

Involuntary Case Opening and General Processing - Chapter 7 and 11

Mortgage Modification Mediation

Motion for Adequate Protection

Motion for and to Vacate Wage Deduction Order

Motion for Approval of Post-Petition Financing

Motion for Authority to Maintain Pre-Petition Bank Accounts

Motion for Authority to Pay Affiliate Officer Salaries

Motion for Authority to Pay Critical Vendors

Motion for Authority to Pay Pre-Petition Wages

Motion for Exemption from Completion of Financial Management

Motion for Final Decree - Chapter 11

Motion for Hardship Discharge - Chapter 13

Motion for Joint Administration or to Consolidate Cases

Motion for Order Confirming Absence or Termination of Automatic Stay

Motion for Refund of Filing Fee

Motion for Relief from Stay - Chapter 7

Motion for Relief from Stay - Chapter 11

Motion for Relief from Stay and Motion for Relief from Co-Debtor Stay - Chapters 12 and 13

Motion for Summary Judgment **UPDATED**

Motion for Turnover

Motion for Waiver of Credit Counseling Requirement

Motion or Notice by Counsel to Withdraw or Substitute Replacement Counsel

Motion to Administratively Close Chapter 11 Individual Case

Motion to Administratively Reopen Closed Chapter 11 Individual Case

Motion to Allow Witness to Testify by Video

Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice

Motion to Approve Compromise or Settlement Agreement

Motion to Assume or Reject Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases

Motion to Avoid Lien

Motion to Compel Abandonment

Motion to Compel Discovery Responses-Bankruptcy and Adversary

Motion to Continue or Reschedule 341 Meeting

Motion to Declare Secured Claim Satisfied and Lien Released

Motion to Determine Adequate Assurance for Payment of Utility Services

Motion to Determine Secured Status - Value (and Strip Lien if Applicable)

Motion to Dismiss Case or Party - Chapter 12 and Chapter 13

Motion to Dismiss Case or Party - Chapter 7 and Chapter 11

Motion to Excuse Debtor Appearance at 341

Motion to Extend Automatic Stay

Motion to Extend Time - Bankruptcy and Adversary

Motion to File Paper Under Seal

Motion to Impose - Reimpose Automatic Stay

Motion to Modify Confirmed Plan

Motion to Redact and Restrict Access to Information

Motion to Redeem

Motion to Reserve Asset from Abandonment

Motion to Retain Tax Refund - Chapter 13

Motion to Sever or Bifurcate

Motion to Use or Prohibit Use of Cash Collateral

Motions to Sell (including free and clear of liens), Motions to Lease Property, and Reports/Notices to Sell

Notice of Abandonment by Trustee

Notice of Final Report and Processing - Chapter 7

Notice of Limited Appearance of Additional Counsel and Rule 2016 Statement

Objection to Claims

Objection to Debtor's Claim of Exemptions

Objections to Confirmation - Chapter 13

Presumption of Abuse - Chapter 7

Reaffirmation Agreements and Related Papers - Chapter 7

Response - Objections to Motions and Applications

Schedules Statements Plan Received After Filing

Student Loan Management Program

Suggestion of Death

Summons Involuntary

Transcripts - Bankruptcy and Adversary

Transfer of Claim and Withdrawal of Transfer of Claim

Waiver of Discharge - Chapter 7



This Procedure Manual generally explains procedures uniform district-wide. Parties and their attorneys should use this as a reference guide.

NOTE: Forms are generic suggestions. Parties and their attorneys should revise them to address their unique circumstances of each case.