Summoning a demon and making it do your bidding is a relatively simple process that requires very few objects and incantations.
However, that doesn’t make for good spectacle, so Hollywood and pop culture in general has conjured up outlandish rituals that involve long winded summoning spells, blood sacrifices, immense drawings of demonic seals and sigils, rows upon rows of candles etc.
This of course raises some questions: what is the original, correct ritual to summon a demon?
To summon a demon you need to perform a three part ritual: the protection ritual, where you create the protection spells and sigils, the summoning ritual where you invoke the demon using its sigil and evocation keys, and finally the communication ritual where you tell the demon your wish.
This ritual is described in the centuries old tomes “The Key of Solomon” and “The Lesser Key of Solomon”, and is short enough that it can be done in a few minutes and with items that very inexpensive and most households already own.
How to read this guide:
The summoning rituals and spells described below are fairly simple, short and quick to perform.
However, they are very dense and contain numerous elements that are required to perform the ritual.
Below you will find all of the steps required to summon a deal, plus explanations that describe each individual component and why it is necessary.
Finally, once you feel you have an understanding of all the steps, at the end of this article you will find three step-by-step guides for each of the three variations of the summoning ritual.
Table of contentsA demonic ritual is composed of three parts:
The communication rituals is further subdivided into three types, depending on the magical skill and prowess of the user:
Thus, the ritual opening and the core summoning ritual are used every time, however you can choose to use one of the three communication rituals, depending on your ability or needs at the time.
To better visualize, a demonic ritual can look something like this:
For an advanced user that wants to summon the demon in visible form, the ritual structure will be like this:
Make sure you have everything within reach. Leaving the ritual half way through because you didn’t prepare properly will break the connection and you will have to restart all over again.
The objects you will need are:
For the communication ritual that involves a written, coded cipher you will also need a source of flame, something to hold the paper with while it burns, and somewhere safe for the ashes to fall.
A candle on a saucer is often sufficient.
The opening of every summoning ritual is the same, and requires you to print or draw the divine protective sigil below.
The words on the top of the sigil are written in English as “Ehyeh asher Ehyeh”, while the ones at the top of the sigil mean “Atah Gibor L’Olam Adonai”.
An explanation of these phrases is provided later on.
Keep this sigil in front of you and contemplate it while reciting the ritual spell below.
You do not need to move from where you stand or sit, and you do not need to draw circles or pentagrams in the air.
With the sigil before, you recite the following verses:
Before me Uriel. At my back, Raphael. On my right, Michael. On my left, Gabriel. From above, Metatron.
Uriel, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel and Metatron are the protective archangels that come when called and will both protect you from the demon, while binding the demon to you. Call them as described in the verse, and they will be present.
These verses call upon the Archangels to put in place their protection, while also clearing the space for the demon you wish to summon, so that it is not scared away.
They are presented here purely as a form of protection and preparation for your demonic evocation.
First, you call to the archangel in front of you, then to the archangel behind you, next to the archangel on your right, and then the archangel to your left.
Imagine yourself drawing a line from North to South, right through your heart, and then from East to West, again through your heart.
Finally, you call on the Archangel Metatron, who shines a protective circle of light from above.
Ehyeh asher Ehyeh
Ehyeh asher Ehyeh is a Hebrew phrase used as a name of God, and interpreted as, “I am that I am” or “I will be what I will be.”
In speaking these words about yourself, rather than about God, you are connecting yourself to divine will and authority. Ehyeh asher Ehyeh is pronounced as EH-YEH ASHER EH-YEH.
I am that I am.
I am that I am is an expression of authority.
As you say the words, feel how you manifest your true will in this moment, and that whatever you command will happen as you wish for it to happen.
I will be what I will be.
I will be what I will be is another interpretation of Ehyeh asher Ehyeh but, in this case, it’s meaning is that of rejecting fate or destiny.
It is through this phrase that you declare you will live life on your own terms, without heeding to the will of others.
Spoken with sufficient authority, they will make it clear to the spirits that you are a presence that must be respected, and your will obeyed.
The scent of a burning rose. Leaves crushed in my fingers. The blue of twilight. The taste of blood. Gravel crackles underfoot.
These five verses serve to reconnect you to your senses and make you aware of them. By imagining these sensations you create a connection to the spiritual world, but are also anchored to the material world since it is only here that these sensations are possible.
Iron into sparks. Ice into air. Flame into smoke. Breath into rain.
The following phrases involve imagery, but more important than the imagery is the act of transforming one element into another.
This is in essence alchemy, and alchemy grants the alchemist the authority to transform matter simply through the power of will.
Atah Gibor L’Olam Adonai
This phrase approximates to “Lord, you are mighty forever”.
Uttering this phrase does not mean you ask God for help. Instead, saying this phrase lets the spirits know that you speak with the power and authority of God (referred to here as Adonai), thus forcing them to obey.
Thus, you do not plead to God and beg for his help, but rather as one who addresses God with dignity and performs alchemy through God’s powers.
Atah Gibor L’Olam Adonai is pronounced as AT-AH GIB-OAR LUH-OH-LAMB AH-DOH-NIGH.
Once you have completed the ritual opening, you will require the following:
This is a magical device that contains the seal of the demon you wish to summon, situated within a circle, and surrounded by angelic and divine seals, so as to constrain the demon and bend him to your will.
The demonic summoning seal below belongs to the demon Bael.
If you wish to learn what every component of the seal means, click or tap to expand the tab below and learn about each component of the seal.
This is the seal of the demon you are seeking to summon, and is represented by the black triangle within the sigil.
The outer ring of the sigil contains the name of YHVH (the Tetragrammaton, or the name of God), followed by Tzevaot, El, Elohim, Adonai, YHVH again, Ehyeh asher Ehyeh, El Shaddai and Tzevaot again.
These are names of God. Even Ehyeh asher Ehyeh which translates as “I Am that I Am”, is a name of God.
The inner ring contains the names of the three Angelic Emissaries. These are repeated on each side of the triangle, to constrain the demon.
The seal for the ruling Shem angel is closest to the triangle, and appears three times, again to constrain the demon. The Shem angel’s name does not appear in the sigil.
Next, you will require the name of the Shem Angel that rules over the demon, and those of the three Angelic Emissaries that constrain the demon to obey your order.
Bael’s Shem Angel is Vehuel (Hebrew pronunciation: VEH-WHO-ELL).
Bael’s three Angelic Emissaries are: Vavliel (VAH-VEH-LEE-YELL), Hoel (HAW-ELL) and Venael (VEH-NA-ELL).
Each demon you wish to summon is under the authority of a Shemhamphorash Angel (from now on, shortened to Shem Angel).
Before summoning a demon, you will first have to invoke the help of the demon’s ruling angel.
Besides a ruling angel, each demon is also constrained and controlled by three Angelic Emissaries. Thus, you will also require their names as an extra form of protection and control.
To contact the demon you wish to summon, you will require the demon’s Evocation Key, and imagine the sensations within your mind.
An Evocation Key is a set of words that describes certain physical sensations a particular demon is attracted to.
The Evocation Key for Bael is: dark, colors and textures that keep changing, but keep an earthy sense of roughness. You can smell a mixture of bark, soil, and blood. You can hear the rumble of thunder and fierce gusts. On your tongue you feel a bitter taste.
The Evocation Keys are descriptive codes that enable you to contact the demon. They represent the essence of the demonic spirit, and by imagining the sensations within the Evocation Key you create a bridgehead between the spiritual world the demon inhabits, and our material world.
The demon is attracted by the Evocation Key because you are creating an environment it feels familiar with, but at the same time feels exotic since it is not the environment it normally inhabits.
The Invocation Psalm is a Bible verse used to bind the demon to your will.
The Invocation Psalm for Bael are as follows:
English: Many there are that say of my soul: “There is no salvation for him in God.” Selah
Hebrew pronunciation:
An Invocation Psalm is a particular verse, found in the Bible, that has the power to bind a particular demon.
Each Psalm corresponds to a particular demon, so using the right Psalm for the right demon is important to complete the summoning safely and effectively.
You can recite the Psalm in any language you wish (including English). However, the full power of the Psalm is unlocked only when pronouncing it in Hebrew.
This is because Hebrew is a much older language than either English or Latin, and is imbued with deep, magical powers.
Now that you have everything ready, it is time to start the Core Summoning Ritual.
Contemplate the summoning seal
First, look over the demon’s sigil (the black triangle) and contemplate it. From there, move outward to the seals of the Angelic Emissaries, the seal of the Shem Angel, and finally the outer ring.
Keep repeating this until you feel comfortable and familiar with the summoning seal.
After this step is complete, change your state of mind from one of observation, to one of producing true magick. Make the decision that you will now call out to the angels and demon.
Call upon the Shem Angel
First, call upon the Shem Angel. In this example, you are summoning the demon Bael, and as such the appropriate ruling Shem Angel is Vehuel, pronounced VEH-WHO-ELL.
Call upon the Shem Angel’s name three times, one repetition for each of the three seals of the Shem Angel present in the summoning seal.
Recite the Invocation Psalm
After you have called for the Shem Angel, proceed with the Invocation Psalm for the demon you wish to summon. You can read the Invocation Psalm without focusing on the sigil.
For Bael, the Invocation Psalm is:
English: Many there are that say of my soul: ‘There is no salvation for him in God.’ Selah
Hebrew pronunciation:
Call the Shem Angel again
With the Invocation Psalm complete, repeat your call to the Shem Angel, calling the name three times.
One after another, look at the three seals of the Shem Angel, and pronounce its name once for each seal.
At this point, you make no instruction or request to the Shem Angel other than calling its name.
After you have called upon the Shem Angel, its presence now fills the three seals that surround the demon’s sigil.
The three Angelic Emissaries haven’t been called out yet, but simply having their seals in your line of sight is enough to empower them
The Demon’s Sigil & use of the Evocation Keys
Right now, you have put in place sufficient protection to begin summoning the demon, by using the demon’s sigil and the Evocation Key.
Let your gaze settle on the demon’s sigil, drawn in white, within the black triangle. Now think the demon’s name, only in your mind, several times.
The demon will be stirred by your awareness of its seal but does not yet know you are calling upon it, so now use Evocation Keys as a bridge head to make the demon come to you.
The Evocation Keys for Bael is: dark, colors and textures that keep changing, but keep an earthy sense of roughness. You can smell a mixture of bark, soil, and blood. You can hear the rumble of thunder and fierce gusts. On your tongue you feel a bitter taste.
Use your imagination or memory to feel the physical sensations described in the Evocation Key. If you are able to, try to imagine the sensation while keeping your eyes open and looking at the seal, if not close your eyes. It is the Evocation Keys that are most important at this stage of the process.
It is possible you may feel the presence of the demon at this point, if you do then stay calm and proceed with the ritual because the demon cannot do you any harm.
After you have a clear mental image of the Evocation Keys, comes the actual summoning of the demon.
Summoning the demon
This is done by reciting these words:
In the Names of El, Elohim, Adonai, Ehyeh asher Ehyeh, El Shaddai, Elyon, and YHWH-Shammah, and by the Power of [Shem Angel name], [Angelic Emissary 1], [Angelic Emissary 2] and [Angelic Emissary 3], I call on thee, [Demon’s Name]
Thus, for the demon Bael the spell should look like this:
In the Names of El, Elohim, Adonai, Ehyeh asher Ehyeh, El Shaddai, Elyon, and YHWH-Shammah, and by the Power of Vehuel, Vavliel, Hoel, and Venael, I call on thee, Bael
In this variation of the communication ritual, you communicate your request to the demon through a coded cipher:
Write your codified request on a small piece of paper (you will need to burn it, so keep it small to reduce the flames).
Importantly, you should have your request written down in code before the ritual begins.
A cipher is a way of writing out your desire in something other than your native language. You can use any coding system you like, but the one included here is suggested for its increased magical properties.
When you are seeking answers to questions, more direct contact with the demon may be required.
The coded cipher ritual has the same effectiveness as the other two communication rituals, as long as you are willing to remain open to reading omens and signs and being open to the meaning of your dreams.
Why is it necessary to write your request to the demon in code?
The beautiful irony of this process is that it compels you to form a short, clear sentence that reflects the result you desire.
This is important, because communicating your desire to the demon in a clear, concise manner is essential to obtain good results.
Finally, writing your desire in coded language has the same effect as “sealing” the message. A good analogy is how kings and lords of old would seal letters they sent with their own coat of arms or insignia.
The writing for this cipher does not need to be perfect, or beautiful. It merely needs to be somewhat intelligible. So do not worry if your calligraphy skills are not that good.
How to perform the Coded Cipher communication ritual?
The ritual itself is quite straightforward. With your request written on a piece of paper you perform The Core Ritual, add the Demon’s name to the reverse of your paper, fold it all up, gaze at the demon’s seal, touch your folded paper to the seal, and then burn it to ashes while accepting that your result is inevitable.
Working in a dark room with a candle is appealing to some, but you can get the same results working at midday using a cigarette lighter to burn the paper, if your focus is kept on the ritual.
After burning the cipher, all that remains is to perform the “License to Depart” spell so that the demon can leave this world and perform his duties.
During Connective Evocation, the demon remains invisible, but is able to communicate with you through its presence by giving you mental images, streaks of intuition, changes in temperature, gusts of wind etc.
The Connective Evocation ritual establishes a more direct line of communication with a demon compared to the Coded Cipher ritual.
The advantage of Connective Evocation is that you can ask the demon many more questions than through the Coded Cipher (where you can only make one request per ritual).
However, just like with the Coded Cipher ritual, you will need to be able to read omens and interpret your intuitions and dreams about demons to properly communicate with the demon.
For this Communication Ritual, you will need to formulate and memorize your request to the demon.
Next, you will require a Word of Power, which, through repetition, will engulf you in the energy of the ritual.
Words of Power are required for more advanced summoning rituals since they can alter the consciousness of the spell caster, and can bring their mind in an in-between state, partially in the material world and partially in the spiritual one.
You have complete freedom in choosing your Word of Power, however it should be something that has deep meaning to you, is easy to chant and repeat but is also infused with a sense of authority. Finally, the word can be in any language you wish.
The recommended Word of Power is the Hebrew word for “arrive”, which is pronounced as: LEH-HA-GYA.
Performing the Connective Evocation ritual.
To perform the Connective Evocation ritual, perform the Ritual Opening and then continue all the steps in the Core Summoning Ritual.
Complete the Invocation Psalm, followed by repeating the name of the demon’s ruling Shem Angel, with one repetition for each seal.
At this point, chant the Word of Power for several minutes.
Once you feel ready, you can proceed to the next steps and imagine the sensations contained within the Evocation Keys.
If all goes well, you should feel the presence of the demon and be able to communicate with it.
Keep in mind however, that the demon in this case is invisible, and manifests itself through the world, and not directly in a visible manner.
Thus, learning how to interpret the demon’s presence is a skill in and of itself.
The Full Evocation ritual is the hardest to perform demon summoning ritual, but also offers the opportunity to establish a clear life on communication with the demon since it appears in visible form, and it can communicate and answer your questions unobstructed.
The demon can appear as a glance, a presence in a mirror, a sound, a clear physical sensation. In some cases, it can even appear full bodied, the same way you see another person.
Because this form of evocation is so demanding, you might see the demon as if in a dream.
This ritual, much more than the others, is highly personal. Even if you perform this ritual together with someone, chances are both of you will see something completely different. It’s even possible that one person might see the demon, but not the other.
To perform a full evocation, you will need the Protective Sigil and Summoning Seal, a completely dark room, a table, a candle and either a wall completely painted black, or a large black cloth that covers it.
Sit on end of the table, place the lit candle in the middle, and look into the black wall or cloth on the other side of the table in front of you.
The demon will not appear on the wall or cloth, like a projection. Instead, it will appear in the room, in the dark space in front of the wall or cloth.
As an alternative, you could perform this ritual during the night, in a wooded area.
The ritual:
To perform the Full Evocation ritual, perform the Ritual Opening and then continue all the steps in the Core Summoning Ritual.
Complete the Invocation Psalm, followed by repeating the name of the demon’s ruling Shem Angel, with one repetition for each seal.
At this point, chant the following Words of Power for a few minutes each, in the order described:
Repeating and chanting this word for a few minutes will shift your mind away from the ordinary to the non-ordinary, and help you better perceive changes in your environment as well as the presence of the demon.
Presence / NO-HEH-HUHT
This Word of Power makes you more visible on the Astral Plane, and allows the demon to find you by making your presence feel like a beacon of light.
While this may sound intimidating, remember that you are currently protected by the Archangels, Shem Angel as well as the demon’s Angelic Emissaries.
Transcend / LE-HIT-AH-LOHT
This word lifts the spiritual blindfold that stops you from seeing spirits. With your focus on the sound leaving your body, know that you are becoming one who is able to see into the spiritual world.
After you have finished chanting and meditating with the words of power above, continue with the Evocation Keys, which is the next stage within the Core Summoning Ritual.
After you have meditated upon the Evocation Keys for a few minutes, begin calling upon the demon with phrases such as:
Continue chanting these phrases, or simply the demon’s name, until you feel their presence.
Once you do feel the demon’s presence, you can begin communicating with it.
From here on out, the ritual is deeply personal and different from person to person, and no guide can guide you forward.
If your summoning ritual is complete, or if you feel you are losing control during the process, then the last step in the ritual is to end it altogether.
This is done through a short evocation, called the “License to Depart”:
Oh, spirit [DEMON’S NAME], I hereby license you to depart to your proper place, quietly and with the peace of YHWH between you and me. Amen.
After you have pronounced the verses, blow out any candles you have lit and imagine your connection to the Archangels and the Shem Angel dissipate, since their presence and protection is no longer needed.
In any case, there are quite a few more more ways to protect yourself against demons and witchcraft, and not just rely on angelic figures.
Only after this is done, is the ritual complete.
Below you will find the demonic sigils, summoning seal, names of Shem Angel and Angelic Emissaries, Evocation Keys and Invocation Psalms for 5 more demons, each with varied powers and abilities.
To summon one of these demons, simply follow the summoning ritual as described above, and replace the relevant information.
Powers of Sitri:
Sitri’s Evocation Keys:
Imagine the color pink, but so faded it is almost white, and with the texture of a rose petal. In the air floats a musky smell, the echo of a moaning sound, and you feel a taste of salt water.
Shem Angel: Hahael (HAH-HAH-ELL)
Angelic Emissaries:
Invocation Psalm:
English: My soul also is sore affrighted; and Thou, O LORD, how long?
Hebrew Pronunciation:
Powers of Gaap:
Gaap’s Evocation Keys:
Imagine the cold of wet ice, and the flickering light of a warm sun as it touches the water. In the air is the scent of mud and weeds.
Shem Angel: Yichuel (pronounced: YEE-CHOO-ELL)
Angelic Emissaries:
Invocation Psalm:
English: For Thou, LORD, hast made me glad through Thy work; I will exult in the works of Thy hands.
Hebrew Pronunciation:
Powers of Halphas:
Halphas’s Evocation Keys:
Imagine a very bright white color, like the midday sun shining through a sheet of paper. In the distance you hear a rumbling sound and can feel a texture of grit and saliva. You can smell a sharp herbal fragrance and feel the taste of salt.
Shem Angel: Chaamel (CHAH-AHM-ELL)
Angelic Emissaries:
Invocation Psalm:
English: For thou hast made the LORD who is my refuge, even the Most High, thy habitation.
Hebrew Pronunciation:
Powers of Raum:
Raum’s Evocation Keys:
Imagine a bright, shiny black like the one found in obsidian, texture that of stone that is ice-cold to the touch. In the air is the scent of fruit that is overripe and the sound of wheezing breath.
Shem Angel: Yeyizel (YAY-EEZ-ELL)
Angelic Emissaries:
Invocation Psalm:
English: Ye that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD! He is their help and their shield.
Hebrew Pronunciation:
Bime’s Powers:
Bime’s Evocation Keys:
A high pitched sound similar to that of a whistle or flute. The color is a mix of yellow and green, like sun coming in through leaves. The texture is that of damp earth and the taste is metallic.
Shem Angel: Haael (HAH-AH-ELL)
Angelic Emissaries:
Invocation Psalm:
English: The LORD reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad.
Hebrew Pronunciation:
Before me Uriel. At my back, Raphael. On my right, Michael. On my left, Gabriel. From above, Metatron. Ehyeh asher Ehyeh I am that I am. I will be what I will be. The scent of a burning rose. Leaves crushed in my fingers. The blue of twilight. The taste of blood. Gravel crackles underfoot. Iron into sparks. Ice into air. Flame into smoke. Breath into rain. Atah Gibor L’Olam Adonai
In the Names of
El, Elohim, Adonai,
Ehyeh asher Ehyeh,
El Shaddai, Elyon, and YHWH-Shammah,
and by the Power of [Shem Angel name],
[Angelic Emissary 1], [Angelic Emissary 2] and [Angelic Emissary 3],
I call on thee, [Demon’s Name]
Oh, spirit [DEMON’S NAME], I hereby license you to depart to your proper place, quietly and with the peace of YHWH between you and me. Amen.
Before me Uriel. At my back, Raphael. On my right, Michael. On my left, Gabriel. From above, Metatron. Ehyeh asher Ehyeh I am that I am. I will be what I will be. The scent of a burning rose. Leaves crushed in my fingers. The blue of twilight. The taste of blood. Gravel crackles underfoot. Iron into sparks. Ice into air. Flame into smoke. Breath into rain. Atah Gibor L’Olam Adonai
In the Names of El, Elohim, Adonai, Ehyeh asher Ehyeh, El Shaddai, Elyon, and YHWH-Shammah, and by the Power of [Shem Angel name], [Angelic Emissary 1], [Angelic Emissary 2] and [Angelic Emissary 3], I call on thee, [Demon’s Name]
Oh, spirit [DEMON’S NAME], I hereby license you to depart to your proper place, quietly and with the peace of YHWH between you and me. Amen.
Before me Uriel. At my back, Raphael. On my right, Michael. On my left, Gabriel. From above, Metatron. Ehyeh asher Ehyeh I am that I am. I will be what I will be. The scent of a burning rose. Leaves crushed in my fingers. The blue of twilight. The taste of blood. Gravel crackles underfoot. Iron into sparks. Ice into air. Flame into smoke. Breath into rain. Atah Gibor L’Olam Adonai
In the Names of El, Elohim, Adonai, Ehyeh asher Ehyeh, El Shaddai, Elyon, and YHWH-Shammah, and by the Power of [Shem Angel name], [Angelic Emissary 1], [Angelic Emissary 2] and [Angelic Emissary 3], I call on thee, [Demon’s Name]
Oh, spirit [DEMON’S NAME], I hereby license you to depart to your proper place, quietly and with the peace of YHWH between you and me. Amen.
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